Probate, Trust, and Real Estate Litigation for Colorado

Protecting what matters in estate, trust, and real estate disputes

Homestead Law represents individuals and small businesses in probate and real estate matters.

Attorney Angela Schmitz has worked with hundreds of clients affected by family disputes over property. Whether a family member is a tenant of your rental, a family LLC is in turmoil over property decisions, or a family member has passed away with an unclear estate plan, these cases call for skilled handling.

Often the death of a loved one is followed by a period of conflict between siblings, extended family, or other heirs. And often the disputes involve real estate or other valuable property. Whether you are in court already, believe it’s time for court intervention, or want to avoid court, an experienced probate litigation attorney can analyze your case and clearly layout your options.

Lawsuits about wills, trusts, and lifetime property transfers are different from other litigation. They are usually handled by probate courts instead of regular civil courts, they are usually on a fast track, and they are subject to procedures and rules that are different from the usual lawsuit procedures and rules. An attorney familiar with this landscape is essential. Whether you are defending against unfair accusations, or seeking to enforce your rights as an heir or property owner, Homestead Law can guide you to a favorable outcome, whether that’s in court or through a settlement.

Contact Us

(720) 588-2165

P.O. Box 1121, Englewood, CO 80150

Representative Matters

Real Estate Disputes

  • Eviction: Assisted multiple personal representatives with evictionof family members who refused to vacate after the death of theowner

  • Partition: Where unmarried couple owned property together,initiated partition action for ex-girlfriend client, causing ex-boyfriend to complete buyout of her interest

Probate and Trust Disputes

  • Petitioned the probate court to force a Personal Representativeto pay out an inheritance after 2 years of stalling, resulting in an over $200,000 payment to the client within a month

  • In case where client’s spouse died without leaving a Will, asserted client’s rights as a common law spouse, against in-laws who denied the marriage, resulting in a favorable settlement for the client

  • Defended client against accusations that a lifetime property transfer was void due to undue influence

  • Assisted client with resolution of sibling dispute over inheritance, and buyout of sibling’s real estate interest

  • Defended client against sibling claim that mother had created an “oral will”

  • Defended elderly client against attempts to void marriage after death of spouse

  • Assisted spouse as personal representative with managing creditors for insolvent estate of deceased spouse

Guardianships and Conservatorships

  • Successfully petitioned for guardianship by daughter for hermother who experienced a br

  • ain injury, over objections ofbrother

  • Successfully petitioned for guardianship and conservatorship byparents of adult child with developmental disability

  • Represented family member as interested party inconservatorship action to ensure elder's rights were protected

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